Patricia Camille Caramat

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theme by Steff Tabalong

Friday, March 4, 2016, < 3:50 AM
It was our 40th monthsary yesterday but le boyfriend was busy and we actually had a small fight because I really wanted to spend the special day with him (plus, I've been CRAVING for Luk Yuen's infamous congee!). I told him last night that I'm not in a good mood because I was already assuming that he did not care anymore.

When I wake up this morning, I was a bit gobsmacked to find him sleeping on the couch. I didn't even notice him crawling inside the condo (hey, I'm notorious for losing stuff, so I handed him an extra key just in case I lost mine!) when I was still asleep. Sneaky sneaky. Anyway, I saw my fridge and I got all *kilig*. Feels like I'm a teenager again. Super cheesy youuuu Christian!


Sugar rush!

Started my morning with a smile :)

Yexel's Museum and (Bonus Trip!) Manila Zoo
Thursday, March 3, 2016, < 6:41 AM
Hello! It's been a while. I am getting busier and busier by the minute but I decided to AT LEAST write a blog post every week.

So last Sunday, the fambam went to *drumrolls* Yexel's Museum. Now, y'all know that my family and I are huge fans of Star Wars and Iron Man. I stayed in my mom's condo near MOA and decided that we will meet up near Star City.

                 My outfit! Say hello to the little blue iron thingy on the side

Aaaand we're complete!

It took us about 20 minutes to reach Manila Ocean Park. When we got there, man, there was a long queue on the ticket section. Luckily, the guy made a separate lane for us to redeem our tickets. Sad to say, we only had access to Yexel's museum. But le family already planned to go back and explore the entire Ocean Park *rejoices*.

For Php99, we get to explore and see interesting stuff. It was really worth it! I just wished that they had more life-size toys to offer. Nevertheless, how can I complain? It's only 99 bucks! LOL

Hi Spidey, you are so awesome!

The king always bows down to his queen!

My love looking so comfy!

#squadgoals achieved!

#moresquadgoals ACHIB!

Council of Elrond.

Me lovey!

I just love them to bits!

We also had a quick side trip to Manila Zoo (Just because it is also Christian's first time to go there as well!). I'm quite disappointed of how it turned out to be. It also looked like the animals were not taken care of very well :(.

Hang on deer!

Lots of love from us <3 p="">


Choice. Chance. Change
Wednesday, February 24, 2016, < 11:54 PM
"You must make a CHOICE to take a CHANCE or your life will never CHANGE."

Yesterday, I talked to two persons about their issues with me. I've known it for a while but I never get the chance to open it up. But I thought, now IS the time. I was molded into becoming a person who's very blunt. I am not scared to know the truth rather than to be told a bunch of stupid lies and sugar-coated words. Because, it's better for you to know which grounds you should improve at, plus it's a chance for you to explain yourself, right?

So lo and behold, they cooperated. It's a sigh of relief to know that these people were more than willing to compromise. We have come up with resolutions to patch up the holes left behind.

Choice. Chance. Change. COMPROMISE. 

I cannot emphasize the last word more than enough. It is a two-way thing. Without compromising, you cannot end an argument in a win-win situation. In the end, it is a lesson for both parties to be more open-minded and less on the overcritical side.

And so it goes...

(I'm still sick but I thought of clearing my head so that I can take a rest)
Craved for Jamba Juice!
Tuesday, July 8, 2014, < 8:44 PM
So it's been months(yes!) since I ordered a white gummy bear drink from Jamba Juice and boy I missed the sweet, tangy and pineapple-y taste of it. Last night, the boyfie and I went to Jamba Juice BHS to get thaaaaat drino (finally!)
 Their server was down so I had no choice but to take this snapshot instead /wrist
Tuesday, September 3, 2013, < 2:00 AM

Since I don't have anything to do here at the store, I've decided to do a blog post instead. Today marks our 10th month of being together and I couldn't be happier to share with you how much he inspires me. Thank you so much C! :)
New Hair!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013, < 12:29 AM
So I recently bought 2 boxes of Lolane hair dye in very intense light golden blonde. I researched a bit before buying them because I don't want my hair to be, well, literally blonde.

Lolane is a Thai brand and what I love about it is that it's already complete. It includes gloves, cape and even a brush.

My hair is kind of on the medium brown
side. So overall I love how it turned out. It has this orangey effect which I really like. Plus the conditioner smells really nice and it made my hair soft. The hairdye doesnt have that icky salon smell which is great.

I love it! :)


New Twitter
Monday, April 22, 2013, < 6:52 AM
I just found out yesterday that Twitter reset my password. I couldn't remember my old e-mail address anymore. I looked for possible solutions but I failed. Some sites suggested that I should make a new Twitter, and so I did. Hey, it has been my Twitter account for 5 years so giving it up ain't that easy. So yeah, follow my bew Twitter: @patcaramat. Thank you and Godbless! :)
Baguio Escapade -Day 1
Sunday, April 21, 2013, < 2:42 AM
It's been a while since I last opened my blog and write something err, nice. Well actually, my last post was like 11 months ago! Alright, I think my laziness for writing blog posts has come to an end. I have more time for myself, I'm free and yes, I'm still unemployed. Might as well be productive while waiting for a good opportunity in the industry.

I had my practicum last June 2012 in Baguio Country Club and I must admit that I fell in love with the city. At first because of the weather but eventually is so expensive (Oh crap, only my ITHAS family will understand this "expensive" statement), scratch the last part! No, their cost of living is actually very low compared to other cities. Also, those vegans will definitely fall in love with its market -selling inexpensive but fresh greens, herbs and other vegetables.

Eye and face primer are no longer needed here. You can wear make-up and it'll last all day long. All six of us H1 girls will agree to that.

These are some of the reasons why I like to stay in Baguio City for a while.

Anyway, my brother and I went there last April 10. We stayed there for four days. I'm going to post what happened day by day. It's nothing magical, apart from the fact that I'm going to be reunited with Christian again :).

Day 1
We arrived in the cold city around 4am (and I was very tired considering that I didn't sleep the entire trip because I'm sooo excited to see him). We were already at the terminal and we waited for Christian to pick us up. We just walked from the terminal to his house to take a short rest. It was really chilly, I'm guessing it's around 18C (pretty cold since it's almost impossible to encounter such temperature in Manila). We took a short nap and woke up to a simple breakfast prepared by C. He already left for work so kuya and I just ate what he cooked for us. He was really thoughtful and sweet.

We prepared ourselves for it'll be a long day ahead. We took a cab to Session Road and I told my brother that he has to see and eat at Oh My Gulay. It is popular not only for its scrumptious food but also for its artsy ambiance. My brother ordered Anak ng Puttanesca and I ordered Pasta Mestizo

Anak ng Putanesca (Pretty Spicy!)


Pasta Mestizo (It's super creamy!)


Awesome place, right?

I love the artsy atmosphere!

Everyone should try eating at Oh My Gulay Resto. It's located at the top floor of Azotea Building, Session Road.

After eating, we took a stroll to Burnham Park, Baguio City Market,SM Baguio, Session and Harrison Roads. I then asked my brother where we wanted to go next but then I remembered I haven't seen the Tam-awan village. We both agreed to go there. I didn't know it was very far from the town proper. It costed us around Php100 for the cab. We then paid for the entrance fee (I think it was around Php30 for the adults)

(BTW, I saw Jervie at SM foodcourt, ordering a cup of rice LOL. I freaked out! We're meant to be  ;D)

Our tickets

Great ethnic art

These sculptures are awesome! I wanted to take one and bring it to Manila

He He He
We waited for a cab and went straight to Baguio Country Club to meet my other half  LOL. I missed the place so much and I saw some good friends as well. Finally, C went out of the club to meet me. He was with Butler Paul and we agreed to see each other on Saturday because he said he's going to pay for his utang.

Ikaw na matangkad =)))

I miss this :|

We had our dinner at SM Baguio and all of us ordered Bibimbap from Kimbob. Our tummies were about to explode. I think I overate a bit :|. We went home and waited for C's cousin Mae. I finally saw her. Yay for me! We walked from their apartment to Harrison Road to experience wagwagan!

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